These are the ewoca³ workcamps 2016:
Camp 1: Rome/Italy, 17.07.-31.07.2016
Once upon a garden
Project partners: SJD — Die Falken Leverkusen (Leverkusen/Germany), Oulun Nuoret Kotkat Piirijärjestö ry (Oulu/Finland), META Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS (Rome/Italy)
The centre of the workcamp is the school „Ada Negri“ in Rome. The youths will built a school garden there, which will be decorated with artistic-creative works, made from recycled materials. In workshops they will further deal with the topics of diversity, inclusion and participation, as well as with music and photography. Living together in a workcamp for a time then enables the youths to be active and continuous multipliers for social change towards a more sustainable society back home. After finishing the project, the newly built garden will be available for socio-cultural activities.
Camp 2: Telšiai/Lithuania, 01.08.-17.08.2016
Europe WORKS: Original Creative Attractive
Project partners: Mediencooperative Steinfurt e.V. (Steinfurt/Germany), Youth centre Telšiai (Telsiai/Lithuania), Asociación Opendoors (Quart de Poblet/Spain)
During their workcamp the youths continue works at the outdoor centre of the youth centre Telšiai. The centre, at four kilometres distance from town, is located in the midst of forests and lakes, and was erected and furnished with support from previous ewoca³ workcamps. Since its opening, the centre is being used by youth groups and school classes as a place of non-formal education. This year, the participants further improve the infrastructure of the outdoor centre by building a field oven for baking and cooking, a fortified fireplace and benches. They will further plant fruit trees, establish a herb garden, and build beehives. In this, they will deal with the topics of ecology, environmental protection, consumption and a healthy lifestyle.
Camp 3: Mragowo/Poland, 08.08.-22.08.2016
Nature — Landscape – Humans
Projektpartner: SJD — Die Falken Hagen (Hagen/Deutschland), Mugla Genclik Merkesi (Mugla/Türkei), Fundacja Borussia (Olsztyn/Polen)
Das camp takes place in the polish region of Mragowo near the border to Lithuania. During the work camp, the participants spend time on dealing with the history of Masuria, the land of thousand lakes and thousands borders. With the support of local partnerships, they want to find out more about the relationship between culture and nature. The project will become very practical, when the youngsters help the community by renewing parks and gardens, working on a cemetery and planting trees.
Camp 4: Cluj-Napoca und Hosman/Romania, 08.08-22.08.2016
You have to walk through Transylvania
Project partners: SKM e.V. Köln & Jugendamt der Stadt Köln (Cologne/Germany), Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality (Gaziantep/Turkey), Jugend- und Studentenverein Gutenberg (Cluj-Napoca/Romania)
Transylvania is a region that is particularly characterized by its linguistic and cultural diversity. In workshops and in the context of practical work the participants deal with the region’s history and the minorities that have significantly shaped it. For the first week the camp will be located at the village of Hosman, where the youngsters do restoration work at a historic fortified church from the 13th century. The condition of the buildings at the churchyard will be improved, in order to preserve them for future generations. Among other things, a historic school building will be partly restored. In addition, the participants will help hosting a local cultural festival. In the second week, the group will go on a tour of Transylvania, where they deal with the history of the Hungarian and German minorities. The tour ends in Cluj-Napoca, the cultural center of Transylvania. Planned events are a reception at City Hall as well as the confrontation with the city’s history. In workshops and in daily camp life, the participants work on issues of interculturalism and the reduction of prejudices.
Camp 5: Itri/Italy, 18.07.-31.07.2016
Do it yourself — Grow and build!
Project partners: GrünBau (Dortmund/Germany), Nash Sled (Minsk/Belarus), Esplora (Itri/Italy)
The youths will collaborate to build an ecological school garden, which will also be used as a place of encounter. The participants will work under expert supervision and deal with the topic of sustainable lifestyles in workshops. In order to create a common European spirit, group-strengthening activities (sports events, commonly organised evenings) and excursions to the region will be realised.
Camp 6: Kozarska Dubica/Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25.07.-07.08.2016
Trash treasure — Used, valued
Project partners: Youth academy Walberberg (Bornheim/Germany), Udruzenje gradana “Putevi mira„ (Kozarska Dubica/Bosnia and Herzegovina), Szubjektiv (Budapest/Hungary)
The participants from the three countries will transform waste land into a green oasis right in the middle of the city, using locally-bred plants and recycled materials. They will deal with the topics of environmental protection and sustainability and the actually realisable possibilities of a life that saves resources. Their focus will be on questions of consumption and abstinence, resource usage, waste prevention, enhancing and recycling. The oasis will remain a permanent place of withdrawal for the population of the city of Dubica.
Camp 7: Florence/Italy, 05.09.-18.9.2016
I-CARE Camp 2016
Project partners: Roots & Routes Cologne e.V. (Cologne/Germany), Centro di Creazione e Cultura (Florence/Italy), Viesoji istaiga Kauno ivairiu tautu kulturu centras (Kaunas/Lithuania)
The workcamp will take place on the grounds of the culture and youth centre „Exfila connessioni metropolitane“ in Florence. There, the participants will develop a theatre performance dealing with the topics of discrimination and racism. During their work, the youths will deal with the history of flight and migration in Europe, and juxtapose this with their own experiences in more current forms of degradation and exclusion. In order to reach a maximally diverse audience, the performance will not just be shown at the location. Their whole process of working will be documented by the youths in a brochure and on video, and will be accessible on the internet.
Camp 8: Sovata/Romania, 06.08.-19.08.2016
Together for Sovata
Project partners: Children and youth centre ParkHaus (Oberhausen/Germany), MTÜ Noored Toredate Mötetega (Tartu/Estonia), Outward Bound Romania (Tigru Mures/Romania)
The youths will help transforming a former farm into a centre for youth work and outdoor-pedagogical projects. The goal of the workcamp is the complete renovation and reconstruction of an auxiliary building, with a maximum of material being recycled or sourced from the immediate neighbourhood. Additionally the youths, who active in the project, will experience a three-day self-organised hiking trip, where they will better get to know one another.
Camp 9: Morbecque/France, 26.06-10.07.2016
Hand in hand for diversity and peaceful cooperation
Project partners: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. (Bonn/Germany), Centre d’Education et de For-mation Interculturel Rencontre (Cefir) (Dunkerque/France), Instytut Regionalny w Katowicach (Katowice/Poland)
30 youths with and without disabilities will meet in Northern France in order to collaboratively furnish an area for activities in experiential education. They will erect an open wooden cabin with a fireplace, where children and youth groups will be able to sleep in the future. They will also work on several topics: The workcamp takes place in a region that is historically shaped by both world wars. The participants from France, Poland and Germany will together deal with this history at historic places, in order to build on this in their work for peace, respect and tolerance.
Camp 10: Guljajewka/Russia, 31.07.-21.08.2016
Mirowoje — Café
Project partners: Natur bewegt e.V. (Cologne/Germany), INTERRA (Krasnoyarsk/Russia), Green Cross Society (Lviv/Ukraine)
Youths from Cologne, Russia and Ukraine will meet at a workcamp in Guljajewka in Siberia, in order to create the infrastructure for a mobile youth café and introduce the new concept of youth work at the location. They will build a yurt and a mobile wooden cabin. During the workcamp, the café will be erected for three days each in different locations and villages in the region and staffed by the youths themselves. The participants from the three countries will use the “One World Café„ for themselves as well, in order to intensively communicate and thus deal with their similarities and differences, as well as the political situation in their countries. Following the project, the café will stay at the location and will continue to be used by the local project partner as a mobile place of encounter for local and international youth projects.
Camp 11: Bochum/Germany, 08.08.-21.08.2016
Project partners: Youth department of the City of Bochum (Bochum/Germany), DVOC Youth Organization (Donji Vakuf/Bosnia and Herzegovina), Green Civril Youth Group (Civril/Turkey)
Within the framework of a Street Art workcamp, 24 youths from Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Germany will explore the possibilities of participation in society. They will visit initiatives and associations, meet with politicians and exchange their views with refugees. Graffiti, rap, dance and urban gardening will be their means of expression, and the youths will use these to present their experiences and reflections to the public during a stage performance. They will further build a chillout zone at the Recreational centre for children and youths JUMA in Bochum, in order to support youth work at the location.
Camp 12: Krzyżowa /Poland, 11.07.-24.07.2016
Together for diversity
Project partners: Werkstatt Unna (Unna/Germany), Risorsa Europa (Latina/Italy), Fundacja Krzyżowa (Grodziszcze/Poland)
At historical places, the youths will not just experience memorial culture for themselves, but also support works at the Jewish cemetery and at the synagogue in Dzierżoniów. Memorial restoration and documentation are the most important goals of the workcamp. The participants will also explore WrocÅaw together, the capital of the region of Lower Silesia and European Capital of Culture 2016. The project will conclude with a public presentation of their results and a ceremonial handing over of the restored cemetery in Dzierżoniów.