From the 14th to the 19th of June 2017, representatives of 42 youth work institutions from 18 European countries meet for their shared training in Hattingen/Ruhr. Their shared goal: This summer, they will lead a total of 14 international youth work camps in 13 European countries. The training is part of the support and qualification programme of the funding programmes ewoca³ and ewoca — young perspectives.
Whether it its street art against discrimination in Finland, creating organic fields in Spain, or repairing hiking paths in Scotland: In each of the workcamps, youths from three countries will collaborate in order to realise a sustainable project, improving the situation at the location. In Hattingen, the workcamp leader now prepare for this together. They deal with methods fpr actively fashioning group processes and intercultural learning. In role plays and with lots of relevance for their practice, and in theoretical sessions as well, they learn about methods for making their everyday in international youth work easier.
“We want to expand and develop such forms of European collaboration among young people„, says project manager Katharina Teiting of the International Association for Education and Exchange (IBB e.V.) in Dortmund. “This is why we are very happy for our new programme ewoca — young perspective to receive funding from the Innovation Fund of the Federal Children and Youth Plan. This funding enables the participating project partners to plan and implement innovative workcamp projects in 2017 as well. In this, they will test new forms of participation and peer learning, in order to integrate them into the ewoca concept.„ The ewoca concept is based on the idea of invitation and counter-invitation: Youths from three countries realise three international workcamps over the span of three years — one in each country.