Since 2009, the funding programme ewoca³ enables project partnerships between youth work organisations from North Rhine-Westphalia and youth work institutions from other European countries. In each, partners from three countries plan and implement international workcamp projects together. The concept already displayed its great potential for expansion early on. Again and again, organisations from other German Federal States voiced their interest. They also show demand for a stable network in International youth work and structures supporting them.
Thanks to funding by the Innovation Fund of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth (BMFSFJ), youth work institutions from Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Thuringia could become part of the ewoca³ network for the first time in 2015 and 2016. Together with European partners, they conceptualised and realised innovative workcamp projects under the title ewoca³ (+) — for everyone! The goal was to further develop the format of ewoca workcamps, and adapt them to the local demands. The new programme was also specifically targeted at youths which commonly have less chances to take part in International projects.
In order to benefit from the experiences of the successful ewoca funding programmes, and to further develop the tried and tested workcamp format in a participatory fashion, a new funding programme now follows ewoca³ (+) — for everyone! The project partners in ewoca — young perspectives will thus have the opportunity to plan and implement innovative workcamp projects in 2017 as well. In this, they will test new forms of participation and peer learning, in order to integrate them into the ewoca concept. Their collaboration will then be continued, in order to organise a shared international youth conference in 2018 in Brussels. Thus, ewoca — young perspectives enables both continuity and new innovative impulses in international youth work.