General information on international youth work
DIJA – data base on international youth work provides a broad compilation of information about international youth work in German and information about Germany in different languages.
IJAB (German) is a page by the International Youth Exchange and Visitors’ Service of the Federal Republic of Germany. is a page in English about European youth work and training opportunities.
Jugendpolitik in Europa is a project of “Youth for Europe” and collects different reports, articles and studies
“Youth for Europe” additionally presents texts with a more theoretical background and features practical methodical guidelines for international youth work to download.
Within the scope of Youth in action different manuals (T-Kits) have been published on subjects all around the international youth work. They exists all in english, but There are them always in in English, many have been also translated different european languages. You can download them for free.
Funding and financing
YOUTH for Europe is the German national agency of the EU programme “Youth in action”, a European funding programme for youth encounters.
The German-French Youth Office DFJW promotes international youth encounters with participation from Germany and France.
The German-Polish Youth Office DPJW promotes international meetings of youth with participation from Germany and Poland.
Europe for citizens is a promotional programme by the EU, which amongst others promotes measures strengthening town partnerships and backing civil society.
Eurodesk makes available on-line an English-speaking searching machine to all possible funding programmes in the European Union and refers to upcoming Deadlines. Besides, Eurodesk supports in the EU states and some neighbouring countries different regional offices who also offer consultation.
The EU-executive agency for education, audio-visual and culture always offers the most topical infos to the programmes Youth in action, lifelong learning with all subprogrammes, media, Europe for citizens as well as culture.
For youth work activities related to twin towns there is a page by Deutscher Städtetag with information about the different funding opportunities.
The Association of German Foundations features a search for foundations on its website. Listed are foundations with internet addresses which are active in Germany and provide funding for topics specified in the search form. In July 2010 a new version was launched.
English literature tips to the area of funding and financing
„Financing and finance management, T-Kit No. 9 “and” project management for leaders and trainers in international youth activities, T-Kit No. 3“. You can download both (and even more) for free.
Environmental and sustainability education
With Change the EU provides a programme about climate change for youth.
The UNESCO offers an English page “Sustainable Development„ especially to multipliers and people from the field of education.
Information for young Europeans
General information
European Youthportal is an website of the EU, presenting various offers for young Europeans in all offical languages of the EU.
Eurodesk is an european network of national agencies. They collect and present possibilities in studying, working, volunteering and exploring europe. To find offers for you, please visit the website of your national agency (links on the eurodesk site).
Workcamps and volunteering
Here you will find German and international providers of work camps, youth meetings and volunteer services.
Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste
Internationale Begegnung in Gemeinschaftsdiensten e.V.