What was the most beautiful moment today?

What was the most beautiful moment today?

sroda (18)

Celina, 17 years:
The most beautiful thing was, that, even though we do not know each other for long, we habe built an enormous amount of trust.

What did you learn today?


Saskia, 17 years:
I learned today, that, through one’s team, one can overcome one’s own limitations.


Andre, 22 years:
I learned how to use my senses, and to apply them in useful ways.


Zycie bez pradu / Life without electricity


Today at the open air museum, I liked our collecting nettles, and that we learned how to make butter, and how people lived in earlier times without electricity; it was a hard life. We made fire with a flint and a piece of iron. And I learned how to make nettle tea.
Kacper, 18 years, Jaworzno

Dzisiaj w skansenie spodobalo mi sie to, ze zbieralismy pokrzywy i to, ze nauczylismy sie robic maslo oraz to, ze ludzie w dawnych czasach zyli bez pradu i mieli naprawde ciezko. Nauczylem sie rozpalac ogien z krzemienia i z kawalka zelaza oraz herbate z pokrzyw.
Kacper,18 lat, Jaworzno


Today at the open air museum I was intrigued by the simple and interesting way how one can make tea from nettles, and make butter from cream. I also learned about how, in earlier times, people lived without electricity in difficult circumstances.
Daniel, 23 years, Jaworzno

Dzisiejszego dnia bardzo mi sie podobalo w skansenie, jak bardzo ciekawie i w prosty sposob mozna zrobic herbate z pokrzyw i jak mozna ubic ze smietany maslo. Dowiedzialem sie tez, jak dawno temu ludzie zyli bez pradu w trudnych warunkach.
Daniel, 23lata, Jaworzno


I was surprised to drink nettle tea, and how the burning feeling can be stopped with a specific plant, and also making fire with a flintstone.
Elzbieta, 24 years, Poland

Mnie zaskoczylo picie herbaty z pokrzyw oraz usmiezanie bolu z pokrzywy specialna roslina i zapalanie ognia krzemieniem.
Elzbieta, 24 lata, Polska


Today at the open air museum I liked the tour, and it was interesting how to make tea from nettles and how to make butter; it was also interesting how we used metal and flintstone in order to make a fire. I learned how one can live without electricity, which I found very interesting. I also learned how hard life was for people in earlier times, but they did not despair, and that is wonderful.
Rafal, 20 years, Jaworzno

Dzisiaj mi sie podobalo w skansenie oprowadzenie i mnie zaciekawilo, jak sie robilo herbate z pokrzyw oraz jak sie robi maslo i tez bylo ciekawe jak ocieralismy wyrobiony metal i tym krzemieniem, zeby powstal ogien oraz dowiedzialem sie, jak sie zylo ber pradu i to mnie bardzo zaciekawilo i dowiedzialem sie jak innym ludziom bylo bardzo ciezko ale nie poddawali sie i to jest piekne.
Rafal, 20 lat, Jaworzno

DSC03800Today I learned how to make tea from nettles.
Dominika, 17 years, Jaworzno

Dzisiaj nauczylam sie robic herbate z pokrzyw.
Dominika, 17 lat, Jaworzno

Today at the open air museum I learned how to make butter, and how to light a fire with a flintsotne and a piece of iron. I have seen how people lived without light. That was a fantastic adventure and I have learned a lot.
Angelika, 20 years, Jaworzno

Dzisiaj nauczylam sie w skansenie robic maslo i rozpalac ogien krzemieniem i kawalkiem zelaza zobaczylam, jak ludzie zyli bez swiatla. Byla to fantastyczna przygoda i duzo sie z niej nauczylam.
Angelika, 20 lat, Jaworzno

Written by Rafal
Cytaty zebral Rafal


“Dzis sie nauczylam, jak zaufac innej osobie”  / “Today I learned how to trush others”

“Dzis sie nauczylam, jak zaufac innej osobie” / “Today I learned how to trush others”

The most beautiful moment for me, was the presentation with fire, walking on nails and over shards of glass, how can one feel like air?

Dla mnie najpiekniejszym momentem, jaki byl, to pokaz z ogniem, stawanie na gwozdziach, chodzenie po szkle, jak mozna sie czuc spokojnie jak powietrze .

Today i learned to trust in myself, and learned that it is sometimes valuable to trust the others, learned that it is rewarding to ask, if one cannot do it oneself. Exchange within the group is very important, as you can speak about your feelings and express them.

Dzisiaj nauczylem sie pewnosci siebie ze czasami warto jest zaufac drugiemu czlowiekowi, jezeli czegos nie potrafisz, warto zapytac. Rozmawianie w grupie, to bardzo wazne, ze mozna wyrazic swoje odczucia i je powiedziec, wyrazic.


Daniel, 23 years, Jaworzno
Daniel, 23 lata, Jaworzno


The most important moment was pantomime, and when one person lead the other around as their mirror image. In the morning, one could learn to walk over shards of glass, and how one can deal with fire without danger.

Najwazniejszym momentem, bylo udawanie pantomimy i ze jak jedna osoba druga osobe prowadzila jak lustrzane odbicie. Rano bylo mozna nauczyc sie chodzenia po szkle, jak bezpiecznie obchodzic sie z ogniem.

Today I learned about teamwork, as we were, during the exercises we made, all in one group. The group was Polish, German, and French at the same time.

Dzis nauczylam sie pracy zespolowej, gdyz te cwiczenia, co dzis wykonalismy wszyscy w jednej grupie tak jak w: polskiej, niemieckiej, jak i francuskiej.

DSC03330Anna, 18 years, Gliwice
Anna, 18 lat, Gliwice


An important insight for me was, that one has to take care of oneself. Today I learned how to trust others.

Wazny moment dla mnie, to uwazac na siebie. Dzis sie nauczylam, jak zaufac innej osobie.

DSC03327Paulina, 16 years, Jaworzno
Paulina, 16 lat, Jaworzno


An important moment for me today was the activity with closed eyes, as one could test ones trust. It is rewarding to trust other people. You can work with everyone, a foreign language is not a problem, as we can communicate with gestures, and it also motivates me to learn a foreign language.

Waznym momentem dzisiaj dla mnie byla zabawa z zamknientymi oczami, poniewaz mozna bylo sie sprawdzic z zaufaniem. Warto ufac ludziom. Mozna ze wszystkimi pracowac, obcy jezyk nie stwarza mi problemu, poniewaz porozumiewam sie gestami, a dodatkowo motywuje mnie to do nauki jezyka obcego.

DSC02924Barbara, 21 years, Jaworzno
Barbara, 21 lat, Jaworzno


An important moment for me was the presentation and that one could try for oneself. I have learned several tricks.

Moment, ktory byl wazny dla mnie to, co pokazywali i rowniez co moglo sie robic. Nauczyc sie moglem roznych sztuczek.

DSC02994Kacper, 18 years, Jaworzno
Kacper, 18 lat, Jaworzno


Today I learned to trust the group, as I was convinced that the group is very understanding; one can trust them and they will help you in difficult situations. I have learned a lot of games, which I will remember forever, as, playing those games, you have so much fun, so much enjoyment.

Dzisiaj nauczylem sie ufac calej grupie, poniewaz przekonalem sie, ze ta grupa jest wyrozumiala, mozna im sie zwierzyc i oni zawsze pomoga w ciezkich chwilach. Ja dzisiaj zapoznalem duzo gier, ktore zostana w mojej glowie na zawsze, poniewaz jest przy tych grach duzo zabawy, duzo radosci.

DSC03449Rafal, 21 years, Jaworzno
Rafal, 21 lat, Jaworzno

Marcher sur des clous / Walking on Nails

Marcher sur des clous / Walking on Nails

The experiences in relation to the circus (walking on nails, walking on glass, and fire on one’s own body) was positive for the whole group.

L’expérience dans le domaine du cirque (marcher sur des clous, sur du verre et mettre du feu sur soi-meme) a été positive pour l’ensemble du groupe.






Some of us would never have imagined to be able to do this one day. This was also a way of overcoming one’s own fears.

Certains n´auraient jamais cru pouvoir faire ca un jour. Ca été aussi la possibilité de surmonter leurs peurs.



The activity regarding pantomime was funny and the one regarding string puppets very interesting, as one could let a partner make the gestures one wants them to make.

L´activité du mime a été amusante et celle de la marionette très intéressante du fait que l´on pouvait s´amuser à faire faire les gestes que l´on voulait à notre partenaire.

These activities allowed the group to have trust in each others, for some to face their own fears, to get to know their own senses, and overcome one’s own boundaries, all the time while enjoying oneself.

Ces activités ont permit au groupe d´apprendre à avoir confiance en l´autre,
d´affronter ses peurs pour certains, de mieux connaitre ses propres sens pour
d´autres et de dépasser ses limites, tout en s´amusant.




Aurélien, 22 years, Cédric, 21 years, Hazebrouck, France

Aurélien, 22 ans, Cédric, 21 ans, Hazebrouck France

Metabolon – métabolisme?

On Thursday, 2nd July, we visited a former garbage dump, where, over the course of 33 years, garbage was dumped, and which now was rebuilt into a place of learning and enjoyment.

Le 2 juillet, nous sommes partis visiter une ancienne décharge où ils ont accumulé pendant 33 ans des ordures et qui a été réamenagée en site pour apprendre et s’amuser.



We climbed up the mountain Metabolon. Metabolon is derived from the word metabolism, which means transformation of materials.

Nous sommes montés au Metabolon qui vient du mot métabolisme qui signifie transformation de toutes les matières.



We also visited an exhibition space with decorative items made from recycled materials.

Nous avons visité aussi une salle d’exposition avec du matériel recyclé en objets de décoration.





We climbed up to a height of 150 meters, and visited a room called “Lernort” (place of learning), where we did an activity using a questionnaire on the topic of the ecological footprint.

Nous sommes montés à une hauteur de 150 mètres et nous sommes rentrés dans une salle qui s’appelle „Lernort“ où nous avons fait une activité avec un questionnaire sur le sujet de l´empreinte écologique.


We calculated to find out how much area is needed to sustain or way of living.

Nous avons calculé pour savoir la surface qu’il faudrai pour maintenir notre mode de vie.


We also used the slides down the Metabolon mountain, and we did a sliding race with the German and Polish group.

Nous avons fait du tobogan sur le mont Metabolon où nous avons fait une course de glissades avec le groupe polonais et le groupe allemand.


We then had a picnic at the outdoor area of the energy centre. We took the bus back to the hostel, where we are staying for the two weeks, and did an activity in the courtyard of the hostel.

Nous avons pique-niqué dans le site de compétences énergitiques. Nous avons repris le bus pour rentrer à l’auberge, où nous sommes accueillis pendants 2 semaines, nous avons ensuite fait une activitée dans la cour de l’auberge.


The practical work has begun!

The practical work has begun!

On the third of July, we had our first working day in our ewoca³ project (Katowice/ Dunkerque/ Bonn).

DSC02941 DSC02960

We worked at the Don-Bosco-Club in trinational groups at four different locations.


Five participants of the group worked on an insect hotel, another group, also made up of five participants, built a windmill, still another group built a solar shower. This group also consisted of five participants. The other eleven participants planted flowers and plants into large boxes.


In order for the work to go smoothly, in the morning, before we started we had a small language animation.


However, the day was not fully occupied with work, but also with lots of fun. We cooled ourselves down with a little water fight.


The solar shower group also did a little colour fight.


Again and again, we see that work is not just work, but also a lot of fun. And by now, we are not just a group, over time we have become a great team, which we have proved today, once again.


We are very excited for and look forward to tomorrow!


Saskia, Cologne, 17 years

I really like it here – Bardzo mi się tu podoba!

I really like it here – Bardzo mi się tu podoba!

On Sunday, 28th of June 2015, the international, ecological workcamp for youths from Germany, Poland and FRance began. Most of the activities take place in the youth hostel in Lindlar.

W niedziele, 28.06.2015 rozpoczal się miedzynarodowy worcamp ekologiczny dla mlodziezy niemieckiej, polskiej i francuskiej. Wiekszosc zajec odbywa się w schronisku mlodziezowym w Lindlar, a prace praktyczne wykonujemy przy Klubie Mlodziezowym im. Jana Bosco w Kolonii.


These are the impressions of the Polish workcamp participants:

How did you feel, when you arrived in Lindlar on the first day? What were your apprehensions?

To są relacje Polskich uczestnikow z worcampu:

Jak się czules albo czulas pierwszego dnia po przyjezdzie do Lindlar?

I felt good, but I also asked how all of this gonna play out. On the first day I also was a bit excited, because I did not know yet, what awaits me. (Dominika, 17 years, Jaworzno)

Czulam się dobrze, ale zastanawialam się, jak tutaj będzie. Pierwszego dnia bylam troszke przerazona, ponieważ nie wiedzialam, czego się spodziewac.(Dominika, 17 lat, Jaworzno)


When I cam to Lindlar, I was anxious. I was afraid of the participants from other countries not treating me well. But after a few days, common games and activities, all my anxieties evaporated. I got to know wonderful and joyful participants, and I am happy to be here.
(Kacper, 18 years, Jaworzno)

Jak przyjechalem do Lindlar bardzo wydawalo mi się, ze czuje niepokój. Obawialem się, ze nie bede traktowany dobrze przez innych uczestnikow z innych krajow, lecz po kilku dniach i wspolnych grach i zabawach moje obawy mi minely. Poznalem tu bardzo wspanialych i radosnych uczestnikow i jestem bardzo zadowolony.
(Kacper, 18 lat, Jaworzno)


And what happened then? How do you feel now?

At the moment I feel very well. I am joyful and spend a lot of time outside walking in the forest. I really like the group activities, which are led by team members. I really like it here.
(Paulina, 16 years, Jaworzno)

Co myslisz dzisiaj? Co czujesz dzisiaj?

W obecnej chwili czuje się bardzo dobrze, wesolo i przede wszystkim milo spedzam czas na swiezym powietrzu, na spacerze w lesie. Bardzo mi się podobaja zajecia w grupie prowadzone przez animatorow. Bardzo mi się tu podoba. (Paulina, 16 lat, Jaworzno)


How do you communicate with the other participants?

We communicate with the help of gestures and pantomime. We also use dictionaries, etc.
(Basia, 22 years, Jaworzno)

Jak się komunikujecie z innymi uczestnikami?

Porozumiewamy się za pomoca gestow, na migi, korzystamy ze slownikow itp. (Basia, 22lata, Jaworzno).


At the workcamp we communicate with the help of those words we had already learned, with gestures, or we draw on a piece of paper. It works really well! (Karina, 20 years, Jaworzno)

Na worcampie porozumiewamy się za pomoca slow, których się nauczylismy tutaj, gestow, rysujemy na kartkach papieru. Calkiem dobrze nam to wychodzi. (Karina, 20 lat, Jaworzno)


The text was written by Paulina and Daniel from Jaworzna

Tekst napisali Paulina i Daniel z Jaworzna

Bonjour Lindlar!

Bonjour Lindlar!

Hello, we present to you the ecological, intercultural, French-German-Polish workcamp.

Nous allons vous présenter le chantier ecologique interculturel franco-germano-polonais. 

sroda (10)

Participants from three nationalities (German/Polish/French) take part in this ewoca³ project.

Projet Ewoca3 suivi par des participants de trois nationalités différentes allemand/polonais/francais).

The workcamp takes places in Lindlar and Cologne in Germany, in order to work together on the topics of Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

Le chantier se passe à Cologne en Allemagne pour travailler en groupe sur (la terre- l´air- l´eau et le feu).

sroda (24)

Additionally, we will see the way of working of the other groups, and learn new competences. It will take place in the two weeks between the 28th of June and the 12th of July in Cologne.

Pour voir leur facon de travailler et pour acquérir de nouvelles compétences pour les participants et pour un séjour de 2 semaines du 28 juin au 12 juillet 2015 à Cologne.

sroda (28)

We stay at a youth hostel in Lindlar, a small town near Cologne.

Nous sommes hébergés à l´auberge de jeunesse de Lindlar, une petite ville près de Cologne.

There is a good athmosphere and we are having fun and generally a good time together.

Nous nous entendons trés bien tous ensemble et nous prenons beaucoup de plaisir à passer du temps ensemble.

marmor-brunnen06 126

We departed on the 28th of June from the station in Hazebrouck. We took the bus to Popringue in Belgium, then a train to Brussels, and finally took a train into the direction of Cologne. There, we got to know the German participants, and took a bus to the youth hostel in Lindlar. One participant, Aurélien, really liked the travel from Hazebrouck to Lindlar.

Le départ s´est effectué le dimanche 28 juin à la gare De Hazebrouck. Nous avons pris un bus jusqu´á Popringue en Belgique puis nous avons pris un train jusqu´à Bruxelles et ensuite nous avons pris un train, direction Cologne. Nous avons fait connaissance avec les allemands, on a pris un bus jusqu´à l´auberge de Lindlar. Un participant, Aurélien, a apprécié le trajet de Hazebrouck à Lindlar.

Christina, Hazebrouck

Johnny, Hazebrouck