We continue working hand-in-hand…

29/06/16 Wednesday


This morning the day began with our different groups working. Everyone was busy until 12:30, then we had lunch already.


Following the lunch break, the whole group met; some went on a bike tour, others hiked through the forest. On our hike, we saw a number of different animals, e.g. frogs, mice, and butterflies. After a small break, we walked to a number of ponds, and caught small animals. I carried a lizard there.












The End of the First Week



Some youths from the German and the Polish group had to sleep in a teepee tonight, as they were making noise past 10pm the night before. :-)

When we then got up, we first had breakfast, and wanted to start work. However, as it started to rain, we had to go to the seminar room and played games for some time. After an hour it stopped raining, and there was a short 15min pause. Following the pause, we wanted to start, but the construction workers were gone. Thus, the groups working on benches, tables, fireplace and cabin had some more leisure time, while the group building the herb garden continued their work. But this afternoon, all will continue.

Tonight the German group will present the German Evening !!!!

So be prepared to be suprised…. :-)


Trip to Hazebrouck

Today we made a day-trip to the city of Hazebrouck.

Nous avons découvert la ville de Hazebrouck.

piątek, 1 lipca

Wczoraj był wieczór niemiecki. Niemieccy przyjaciele przygotowali świetną zabawę, był pokaz o Kolonii, tańce i picie piwa. Wszyscy poszliśmy kibicować naszej drużynie.

Dzisiaj pojechaliśmy do Hazebrouck. Najpierw graliśmy w różne gry i robiliśmy grila a potem chodziliśmy po mieście w międzynarodowych grupach. Francuzi pokazywali nam swoje ulubione miejsca.

Ewoca 2016 in France II

Tuesday, 28th of June

This morning we played communication games and a running game with a ball.

After the lunch break, the separate groups got back to their different work.

One group continued to build the fireplace.

Another group continued with the benches, and yet another on creating the herb garden.

Sofia (16)

Ewoca 2016 in France



Kevin (19)

Saturday : Today we did a rallye through the village in mixed groups. In the evening we went to the city and visited a city festival, where French music was played and people danced.

On Sunday, at the French Evening, we all played and danced together.

Monday: Monday was the first day on the workcamp, where we actually worked. We could choose between the following works: Building a cabin, creating a fireplace, building benches for sitting, and also creating a herb garden.

So far I like the workcamp very much

Tuba (18)



Hand-in-hand commences!

Hand-in-hand commences!

Yesterday our German-French-Polish workcamp in the North of France commenced with beautiful sunny weather!

All participants arrived well, and used the evening to get to know each other and learn the first few words in the partner languages.



Our domestic goat Elsa was also very happy to get to know new people :-)

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Final preparatory meeting before the start

Final preparatory meeting before the start

Yesterday our final preparatory meeting for the French participants of our German-French-Polish ewoca³ workcamp, starting in Morbecque (France) tomorrow, took place. Mister Bailleuil, President of the Mission Locale de Flandre Intérieure, and Mister Debaecker, Mayor of the City of Hazebrouck were present to get to know the 10 youths and wish them a successful workcamp with lots of experiences.

You can read more at http://ml-flandre-interieure.fr/chantier-interculturel-franco-allemand-polonais/




“Ce fut une journée chouette pour la matinée et enrichissante pour l’après-midi” / An enriching afternoonafternoon

“Ce fut une journée chouette pour la matinée et enrichissante pour l’après-midi” / An enriching afternoonafternoon


L´experience dans le domaine de l´accrobranche a été beaucoup apprecié par la majorité des participants franćais. Une personne du groupe franćais n´a pas pu pratiquer ce loisir en raison d’un soucis de santé, mais elle a bien rigolé et encouragé les autres membres du groupe franćais. Meme ceux ayant le vertige ont eu le courage de faire ce sport, C’était une matinée très agréable.

The high ropes course

The majority of the French participants very much enjoyed the experience at the high ropes course. One person in the French group could not participate in this activity for health reasons, but she had fun nonetheless and she encouraged the others in the French group. Even those with fear of heights were courageous to participate in this type of sport. It was a very pleasant morning.






L’après-midi a été très instructive et enrichissante du fait qu’on a pu creer nous même du beurre, une tisane aux ortilles et faire du feu a l’aide de pierres, On a été acceuilli par une guide qui nous a raconté la vie en Allemagne au XIXe siècle qui été difficile sans électricité,

Visit to the Open Air Museum

The afternoon was very educational and enriching, as we were able to make butter ourself, a nettle tea, and make fire using only stones. We were welcomed by an employee which told us about life in Germany in the 18th century, which was very hard withot electricity.




Ce fut une journée chouette pour la matinée et enrichissante pour l’après-midi.

CELINE 21 ans, JOHNNY 20 ans, DYLAN 18 ans, TIFFANY 18 ans, ALEXANDRE 21 ans, HENRY 21 ans, CEDRIC 21 ans, AURELIEN 22 ans, CHRISTINA 21 ans

This was a nice morning and an enriching afternoon.

Celine 21 years, Johnny 20 years, Dylan 18 years, Tiffany 18 years, Alexandre 21 years, Henry 21 years, Cedric 21 years, Aurélien 22 years, Christina 21 years


“Fairtrade” talks in the overhead railway

“Fairtrade” talks in the overhead railway

On Tuesday, 07.07.2015, we had a beautiful day in Wuppertal. We were split into two groups.

DSC03537As we are only 6 German participants, three of us led the Polish participants to the overhead railway “Schwebebahn”, while the other three visited Gepa with the French participants.

The overhead railway was a good experience for all of us, but some of us got a bit sick in the stomach.
A quote by André, 22 years, from Cologne:
The overhead railway was a special treat for me, as I wanted to see river Wupper from above, and I could photograph a poster at a station ( Festival Feuertal ).
A quote by Celina, 17 years, from Cologne:
It was nice, but the return trip not so much, as I got sick in the stomach. Visiting Gepa was something everything found interesting, as we learned what Fair Trade is.
A quote from Giorgi, 23 years, from Cologne:
I learned for the first time, where cocoa comes from, and in which countries it is produced. It was also very interesting to find out, what the working conditions are in those countries.
A quote by Saskia, 17 years, from Cologne:
It was very interesting to learn a bit about “Fairtrade” and how Gepa trading works.

We are looking forward to the remaining days.

Written by:

Santana, 18 years, from Cologne
André, 22 years, from Cologne