Camp work at the youth centre

Camp work at the youth centre

20170816_161625At the youth centre in Mugle, we cleaned the area in mixed group, and cleared it from weed, we painted a wall in front of the youth centre, and we artistically fashioned a wall inside the centre with colours and clay works. Due to the high temperatures of 38 degrees Celsius, the work was physically exhausting, but working in the mixed group was great fun and strengthened our group cohesion.20170817_14165420170817_14021220170817_13543020170816_16204620170816_16265420170816_16271220170817_135916

Trip to the waterfall

Trip to the waterfall

After the swimming trip, we spontaneously collected trash at the waterfall and on our way back (unfortunately plastic bottles and packaging material was left behind by other visitors)20170814_143037

After an exhausting climb and after crossing a suspension bridge, and after a (somewhat dangerous) climb-down into a cliff, we reached the wonderful waterfall with turqoise waters. It was all worth the effort!!20170814_15114020170814_142457(0)