ewoca³ Live » 08 Oberhausen/Tartu/TMures http://ewoca.org/live Thu, 05 Oct 2017 20:58:10 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.3.19 Work hard, play hard! http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/18/work-hard-play-hard/ http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/18/work-hard-play-hard/#comments Thu, 18 Aug 2016 08:52:09 +0000 http://ewoca.org/live/?p=4919 Continue reading Work hard, play hard!]]> This was a very hard work day (14.08.), when work seemed endless but we were there for each other. We worked hard and helped each other.

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On breaks we started making „post jars” – individually decorated and personalized glass jars, that will be like post boxes where participants can leave ice letters for each other.

After a hard working day our energy level was down, young people needed fun and social time. So we had a party. That bonded us and created a lot of fun memories. Work hard, play hard!



http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/18/work-hard-play-hard/feed/ 0
Surprise-trip to the heavens over the Red Lake and between the rocks of Bicaz! http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/14/surprise-trip-to-the-heavens-over-the-red-lake-and-between-the-rocks-of-bicaz/ http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/14/surprise-trip-to-the-heavens-over-the-red-lake-and-between-the-rocks-of-bicaz/#comments Sun, 14 Aug 2016 06:30:30 +0000 http://ewoca.org/live/?p=4773 Continue reading Surprise-trip to the heavens over the Red Lake and between the rocks of Bicaz!]]> Yesterday we had a surprise trip to enjoy some of the beauties of Transylvania. Our first stop was the Red Lake or the Killer lake.

DSC_5931 DSC_5944The Red Lake (Lacul Roșu) or the Killer lake (Gyilkos-tó) is the biggest natural barrier-lake in Romania. We had the opportunity to see it even from above, because we hiked the peak, that watches over the lake.

DSC_5996 DSC_6036 DSC_6041 DSC_6047 DSC_6053 DSC_6064The hike was worth the invested energy. This is the view, that waited us:

DSC_6145 DSC_6155 DSC_6192 DSC_6234 DSC_6258Aand we even have a video, to show you the panorama:

After the lunch, that we had on the top of the peak, we went back to the lake, and we had a short rest. The bus took us to our next stop: the Bicaz-Gorge.

DSC_6275 DSC_6331The Bicaz Gorge (Romanian: Cheile Bicazului, Hungarian: Békás-szoros) is picturesque looking area, where there are bazaars for tourists as well.

DSC_6321 DSC_6349 DSC_6284 DSC_6320And the funniest thing: we found a ball:

DSC_6294The ball was having fun, just by itself, without any human interaction. It was real pleasure to watch:







http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/14/surprise-trip-to-the-heavens-over-the-red-lake-and-between-the-rocks-of-bicaz/feed/ 0
Getting started to work-work-work! http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/12/getting-started-to-work-work-work/ http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/12/getting-started-to-work-work-work/#comments Fri, 12 Aug 2016 21:30:21 +0000 http://ewoca.org/live/?p=4579 Continue reading Getting started to work-work-work!]]>  

After the evaluation of the canoe-expedition, we had a lot of leisure-time to wander around in the surrounding of the Outward Bound International Youth Centre. After the leisure time the preparations have started to the working part of the EWOCA-Camp.DSC_5595 DSC_5596 DSC_5582 DSC_5589 DSC_5591

We found out, that we will renovate one of the buildings of the Outward Bound International Youth Centre. The group was really enthusiastic and motivated to get things started at the renovation.

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Friday the work continued, and in the afternoon, during the leisure time we had the opportunity to enjoy the activities in the ropescourse and having fun with the coloured wool-tulips. One cannot miss some nice pictures with a blue mustache, isn’t it, Taaniel?

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http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/12/getting-started-to-work-work-work/feed/ 0
The tale of a canoe-expedition – Outward Bound style! http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/12/the-tale-of-a-canoe-expedition-outward-bound-style/ http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/12/the-tale-of-a-canoe-expedition-outward-bound-style/#comments Fri, 12 Aug 2016 20:35:50 +0000 http://ewoca.org/live/?p=4525 Continue reading The tale of a canoe-expedition – Outward Bound style!]]> We were taking a lot of time for the preparation of the canoe-expedition. There were five groups, who took care of the administration of the whole expedition: water equipment team, camping equipment team, navigation team, time management and safety team, and the most important: the kitchen team.

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The canoe-expedition at the Bözöd-lake and on the Mureș-river (or Maros for the transilvanian hungarians) was an exiting event, filled with unforeseen situations, joyful moments and a lot of mosquitoes. The first day of the expedition we spent on the Bözöd (Bezid) lake, where we learned and practiced the pedalling and the canoe steering, along with other safety issues. The evening took us on surprise, unfortunately the fire making and warm food cooking took us a lot of time, but after the dinner everybody had a good night sleep and in the morning we were ready to the new adventures on the  Mureș-river.DSC_5030 DSC_5032 DSC_5033 DSC_5039 DSC_5048

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The river tricked us sometimes, we got stuck with the canoe, but otherwise it was a smooth trip. We managed to have a great stow digged out from the ground and we had a marvellously tasty dinner (especially the vegetarian one), we even managed to have mint and buckthorn tea for refreshing our muscles. All together it would have been a great experience, if our camping place would not been filled by thousands of mosquitoes. Anyhow, in the morning we were ready for the last part of our expedition.

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We reached the Outward Bound Centre in safety, so we cleaned the equipment and we gived it back to the organisation. After that we had a nice hot shower and a dinner, that did not need any preparation from our side.




http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/12/the-tale-of-a-canoe-expedition-outward-bound-style/feed/ 0
Hello World, the ewoca³ 2016 in Romania at Outward Bound it has started! http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/07/hello-world-the-ewoca%c2%b3-2016-in-romania-at-outward-bound-it-has-started/ http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/07/hello-world-the-ewoca%c2%b3-2016-in-romania-at-outward-bound-it-has-started/#comments Sun, 07 Aug 2016 05:43:10 +0000 http://ewoca.org/live/?p=4358 Continue reading Hello World, the ewoca³ 2016 in Romania at Outward Bound it has started!]]> After a long and exhausting travel day Friday, the participants from Oberhausen, Tartu, Târgu Mureș and Cluj Napoca have arrived to the activity headquarters of the Outward Bound Romania organisation. Saturday started with  knowing each other and getting comfortable with the surroundings.

DSC_4441 DSC_4466 DSC_4508 DSC_4513 DSC_4520 DSC_4671 DSC_4633 DSC_4564 DSC_4695 DSC_4716 DSC_4749 DSC_4763 DSC_4769 DSC_4824 DSC_4841It was a nice, intensive day, altogether.

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Today we will start with the participations to the 3 day canoe-expediton on the Bözöd-lake and on the Mureș-river.





http://ewoca.org/live/2016/08/07/hello-world-the-ewoca%c2%b3-2016-in-romania-at-outward-bound-it-has-started/feed/ 0
THE WORK CAMP IS OVER, THANKS TO OUR SUPPORTERS http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/21/the-work-camp-is-over-thanks-to-our-supporters/ http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/21/the-work-camp-is-over-thanks-to-our-supporters/#comments Tue, 21 Jul 2015 08:04:17 +0000 http://ewoca.org/live/?p=1681 We would like to take this opportunity to thank all Ewoca³ work-camp 2015 supporters:

KINO : Knappeninitiative Oberhausen

THW:   Technisches Hilfswerk Oberhausen

DIE TAFEL: Die Tafel Oberhausen

WBO: Wirtschaftsbetriebe Oberhausen

DIE KURBEL: Jugendwerk Die Kurbel Oberhausen


http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/21/the-work-camp-is-over-thanks-to-our-supporters/feed/ 0
Saturday: Time to say Goodbye Goodbyes are not forever. (11.07.2015) http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/21/saturday-time-to-say-goodbye-goodbyes-are-not-forever-11-07-2015/ http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/21/saturday-time-to-say-goodbye-goodbyes-are-not-forever-11-07-2015/#comments Tue, 21 Jul 2015 07:43:22 +0000 http://ewoca.org/live/?p=1668 Continue reading Saturday: Time to say Goodbye Goodbyes are not forever. (11.07.2015)]]> Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you until we meet again in Romania 2016. This was only how the campers could ever say goodbye to their friends. It was really hard. After breakfast the Romanians have already packed their bag and baggages since their flight was leaving at 1:00 pm. Everybody gathered by the busses side, hugs, kisses and tears, as the Romanian group departed. Not long after the Romanian group left, it was time for the Estonian group to say goodbye, more tears , more hugs, until we meet again.

Jonas: “I loved everything about this camp, but I hate that I was too short.

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http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/21/saturday-time-to-say-goodbye-goodbyes-are-not-forever-11-07-2015/feed/ 0
Friday: Last Activity Day/ End of Camp Party 10.07.2015 http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/21/friday-last-activity-day-end-of-camp-party-10-07-2015/ http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/21/friday-last-activity-day-end-of-camp-party-10-07-2015/#comments Tue, 21 Jul 2015 07:36:20 +0000 http://ewoca.org/live/?p=1653 Continue reading Friday: Last Activity Day/ End of Camp Party 10.07.2015]]> At 8 am the campers have already woken up. The day’s plan was to do a general feedback, as it was the last day of the camp. After breakfast, all the campers gathered with the team leaders to do a general feedback, which was a success. After the feedback, the campers started getting ready for the closing party. At 6:00 pm the party started, first Harry and his crew presented their music performance to the Campers, it was really cool, after that they watched a shot movie of the starting of the camp to the end, this made the majority of the campers cry, knowing that they will be leaving the next day. All the campers played some party games, danced and were merry together. After dinner they gathered by the fire side, the atmosphere was calmed.

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http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/21/friday-last-activity-day-end-of-camp-party-10-07-2015/feed/ 0
Thursday: Climbing part 2 “Last Working Day” Visitation of the Mayor of Oberhausen 09.07.2015 http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/18/thursday-climbing-part-2-last-working-day-visitation-of-the-mayor-of-oberhausen-09-07-2015/ http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/18/thursday-climbing-part-2-last-working-day-visitation-of-the-mayor-of-oberhausen-09-07-2015/#comments Sat, 18 Jul 2015 11:00:11 +0000 http://ewoca.org/live/?p=1227 Continue reading Thursday: Climbing part 2 “Last Working Day” Visitation of the Mayor of Oberhausen 09.07.2015]]> After breakfast in the morning we were informed that 2 groups still have to go to Duisburg Landschaftpark for Climbing and the rest groups that weren’t going climbing should continue working.

The first group headed for Climbing, while the rest built furniture and Flower-beds with pallets. Some of the campers were informed to clean around the camp since the Mayor of Oberhausen was coming to visit. Lisa and Harry taught some of the campers how to drum, which was really fun.
After lunch, we all waited for the Mayor’s arriver on top of the Hill were we work in the past few weeks. When the Mayor arrived we presented our works to him, and he was amazed. We all took pictures with him, which was later published in the cities newspaper.

The day was closed by a camp fire where the atmosphere just became better we all sang for Robert since it was his birthday.

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http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/18/thursday-climbing-part-2-last-working-day-visitation-of-the-mayor-of-oberhausen-09-07-2015/feed/ 0
Wednesday: “Climbing part 1” Shopping, and many more 08.07.2015 http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/15/wednesday-climbing-part-1-shopping-and-many-more-08-07-2015/ http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/15/wednesday-climbing-part-1-shopping-and-many-more-08-07-2015/#comments Wed, 15 Jul 2015 10:06:30 +0000 http://ewoca.org/live/?p=1127 Continue reading Wednesday: “Climbing part 1” Shopping, and many more 08.07.2015]]> After the warm-up in the morning the groups were divided into 4.  The first group of 7 headed to “Landschaftspark in Duisburg” for Climbing. This was not so easy because some of us were afraid of height, but the rest were very excited.

The others had to continue with work because there was a lot to be done. The plan was to paint our national flags on a Garfield cat in front of the camp and also do some graffiti work. This was very fun, since majority of us loved painting. When the first group returned the second group headed for Duisburg for Climbing. Wednesday was the most challenging day for us. This we found out at the feedback session in the evening.

After lunch we all had the opportunity to go to Centro for shopping. At 5 pm we visited a cultural Center called Druckluft, were some of us had the opportunity of having a “henna Tattoo”.

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http://ewoca.org/live/2015/07/15/wednesday-climbing-part-1-shopping-and-many-more-08-07-2015/feed/ 0